Moon Machines

To me the thing that stands out the most about this video is how software development was so new people, even knowledgeable engineers, underestimated its complexity and importance to the point that it became a deciding factor on wether the whole project, that was expanding the limits of many different fields, would be finished on time or not. Now, I'm not saying that in the present we don't have such problems, I actually find it funny how we keep struggling with the same problems they did fifty or sixty years ago. To me that means one of two things: either we haven't learned that much from our past as an industry/field or the reality is that software development is an exceptionally complicated field even amongst extremely complicated fields like rocket science.
If I had to guess I'd say it's a bit of both, we probably haven't learned enough and our field is just really complicated, maybe it is complicated in ways that other fields aren't and that's why we struggle so much trying to standardize our practices as much as other engineering industries do. There's a part of the video that shows what I'm referring to in a rather clear way, one of the engineers, while talking about how they worked in the instrumentation lab, said: "There where no specs, we made it up, and it is always amazing to me. Why was I aloud to program something that hadn't even been specified that would be critical in the success of the whole apolo program?" which to many people I know would sound scarily familiar. We are oftentimes given very vague specifications if any and are expected to not only know what to do from that but to do it correctly and in a timely manner, which in most other industries if not all of them would be a laughable request. Theres obviously a lot of other factors that come in to play like programming being an awkward middle ground between the rigidity of engineering and the pure creativity of art but I think that the way a lot of clients, bosses se it as "magic" that requires no effort and no instructions also hinders our ability to work significantly.


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